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Getting Started

Ion is a very unique Starlight Theme, since it overrides a lot of the built-in components to achieve a different look. Luckily, even with this many overrides, Ion is still fully customizable and supports all of the features that Starlight has to offer.


  1. Install the theme using npm or yarn:
    Terminal window
    npm i starlight-ion-theme
  2. Add the theme to your astro.config.mjs:
    import { ion } from "starlight-ion-theme";
    export default defineConfig({
    // ...
    integrations: [
    // ...
    plugins: [



Ion has a unique system for showing icons in site titles and in the sidebar. This is achieved using astro-icon.

If you want to use an icon, you have two options:

Local Icons

First, create a directory that will contain all of your icons, for example src/icons/. Then, place the SVG files for the icons in that directory.

After you’ve created the directory, you need to tell Ion where to find the icons. You can do this by specifying the icons.iconDir option in your astro.config.mjs:

import { ion } from "starlight-ion-theme";
export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [
// ...
plugins: [
icons: {
iconDir: "./src/icons"

External Icons

Just like astro-icon, Ion supports using icons from @iconify-json/* packages. Instead of having to download the icons and place them in a directory, you can just install the package and use the icons directly.

Using Icons

In the Sidebar

You can have icons in the sidebar for top-level pages by specifying the icon name in your astro.config.mjs, surrounded by square brackets. The name should be the same as the name of the SVG file in the icons directory, or the name of the icon from @iconify-json/*, prefixed with the package name:

// ...
export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [
// ...
sidebar: [
label: '[home] Home',
link: '/'
label: '[lucide:list] Getting Started', // A list icon from @iconify-json/lucide
link: '/getting-started'
label: '[fe:loop] Changelog', // A loop icon from @iconify-json/fe (feather icons)
link: '/changelog'
// ...

In the Site Title

You can also use icons in the site title using the same syntax. In this case, you’d put the icon in the frontmatter of the page:

title: "[home] My Site"

The " characters are required, otherwise Starlight will throw an error. Similar to the sidebar, the name can either be a local icon’s name or an icon from @iconify-json/*, prefixed with the package name.

Header Badges

Ion also provides Header Badges, which function just like Starlight’s badges but can be used in Markdown headings instead:

import HeaderBadge from 'starlight-ion-theme/components/HeaderBadge.astro';
# My Heading <HeaderBadge text="I'm a Badge!" />



  • Type: AstroIconOptions | undefined
  • Default: undefined

The icons object exposes astro-icon’s configuration options. Check the astro-icon documentation for more information.


  • Type: boolean | undefined
  • Default: true

The useCustomECTheme option specifies whether to use the custom theme for Expressive Code blocks. If set to false, the default theme you specified in your astro.config.mjs will be used. Disabling this option will also unload the custom CSS for the Expressive Code blocks, meaning you won’t have the rounded corners and other overrides that Ion provides.

  • Type: FooterOptions | undefined
  • Default: undefined

The footer option specifies the configuration for the footer. The following options are available:

  • Type: FooterLink[]
  • Default: []

An array of links to display in the footer. Each link should be an object with the following properties:

  • label: The text to display for the link.
  • link: The URL to link to.
  • newTab: Whether to open the link in a new tab. Defaults to false.


  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: undefined

The text to display on the left hand side of footer. This can be used to display a copyright notice or other information.


  • Type: FooterIcon[]
  • Default: []

An array of icons to display in the footer. Each icon should be an object with the following properties:

  • icon: The name of the icon to display. This should be the name of the SVG file in the icons directory.
  • link: The URL to link to when the icon is clicked.
  • newTab: Whether to open the link in a new tab. Defaults to false.


  • Type: boolean | undefined
  • Default: true

All options under the overrides object specify whether to use the custom override for a specific component. If set to false, the default component will be used. The following options are available:

  • overrides.SiteTitle
  • overrides.Sidebar
  • overrides.Pagination
  • overrides.Hero
  • overrides.Head
  • overrides.PageTitle

Modifying the Theme

Ion is fully customizable, meaning you can override pretty much any part of the theme you need. The colors used for the theme are defined using the normal Starlight CSS variables, so you can easily change them in your own stylesheets.

If you have defined custom component overrides for any of the components that Ion overrides, you can still use them. The custom components will be used instead of the Ion components.

Additionally, if you want to use the Ion overrides and modify them, I encourage you to check out the component reference. The pages there contain the full up-to-date source code for all of the components, so you can easily copy them and modify them to your liking. To use them, follow Starlight’s guide on overriding components.